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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 2, 2002

Mark Pieth

Jonathan M. Winer
The author was US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Law Enforcement from 1994 through 1999. He currently practices international financial services law at the firm of Alston & Bird LLP in Washington, DC and can be contacted at An earlier version of this paper was undertaken in late 2001 and early 2002 with the support of the Norwegian FAFO Institute in Oslo, Norway.

Charles Freeland
Deputy Secretary General, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Charles Freeland is writing here in his personal capacity. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of the Basel Committee or the Bank for International Settlements.

Armand Kersten

Ernesto U. Savona

Michael Levi
Professor of Criminology, Cardiff University, Wales. Address for correspondence: Professor Michael Levi, Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3WT, UK, The research on which this article is based was funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council's Future Governance Research Initiative.

William Gilmore
Professor of International Criminal Law, University of Edinburgh

Mark Pieth
Professor, Criminal Law at University of Basel.

Dita Sole

Frank Emmert

Frank Emmert