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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 3-4, 2005

Kristin P. Dutton
J.D. 2006, Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis. I would like to thank my family and friends for their continued support throughout the writing of this Note. A special thanks, together with all of my love, is extended to my husband Mark Dutton who got me through the tough times.

Edita Ubartaite
LL.M. International and Comparative Law; Project Manager, Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Office of International Development.

Christiana Fountoulakis
Dr. iur., Assistent Professor of Private Law, University of Basel, Switzerland. I would like to sincerely thank lic. phil. stud. iur. Ronald Kunz, Mariel Dimsey, LL.M., and dr. iur. Michael Mraz for their final critical review of this paper.

Michael Frischkorn
Associate Attorney at Sauce, Tardy & Blumenthal, a small litigation firm based in Noblesville, Indiana, USA.

Ingeborg Schwenzer
Dr. iur. (Freiburg im Breisgau), LL.M. (UC Berkeley), Professor of Private Law, University of Basel, Switzerland. The author would like to express her gratitude to cand. iur. Olivier Mosimann for his assistance in preparing this article.

Access_open Is the Abolishment of Privity Necessary in Modern Warranty Law?

A Comparative Analysis of the System in the US, the CISG, the European Union, and Germany

Authors Sabrina Salewski
Author's information

Sabrina Salewski
Law student, University of Trier, Germany; LL.M. Program in American Law for Foreign Lawyers at Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis 2004/2005

Nurzat Myrsalieva
Lecturer, American University Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; LL.M (2005) Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis.

Access_open Parallel Trade in Pharmaceuticals: Reconsidering the Underlying European Community Policies

Commentary on the Opinion of AG Francis Jacobs in Case C-53/03 Bayer/Adalat

Authors Silvija Aile
Author's information

Silvija Aile
Sijlvia Aile holds an LL.M. in European Union Law from Riga Graduate School of Law, and has worked for the Legal Service of the European Commission.

Carri Ginter
Carri Ginter is Sworn Advocate (Member of the Estonian Bar Association), Sorainen Law Offices, Tallinn; Lecturer (European Law), Tartu University Institute of Law, Ph.D student at Tartu University; LL.B. (2000) Concordia International University Estonia; LL.M. (2001) European Law, University of Stockholm.

Andrew R. Klein
Paul E. Beam Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis.