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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 1, 2002

Anton K. Schnyder

Burkhard Heß

Reinhold Geimer

Haimo Schack
Professor of law, Director of the Institute for European and International Private and Procedural Law, University of Kiel. An earlier version of this article was published in German in Rabelsz 2001, vol. 65, pp. 615-633, as ‘Das neue Internationale Eheverfahrensrecht in Europa’. The following English version is published with the friendly permission of the editors of Rabelz.

Access_open Lis Pendens and Related Actions

Authors Rolf A. Schütze
Author's information

Rolf A. Schütze
Professor, University of Tübingen, attorney-at-law and notary public in Stuttgart.

Gerhard Walter
Professor of Private Law and Swiss and International Civil Procedure, Berne University.

Pascal Grolimund
I am grateful to the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Janggen-Pöhn-Stiftung for their generous financial support of my research, as well as to my friends, Ms Qianlan Wu, Mr Olivier Blanc and Mr André Wenker, for helping me to prepare my speech for the symposium in Basel. 1 See the other contributions contained in this issue of the European Journal of Law Reform.

Laurent Killias
Dr. iur., LL.M., attorney-at-law, Zurich. This article is adapted from a paper presented at the international symposium on ‘Zukunft des internationalen Verfahrensrechts’ held in Basel on 7-8 June 2001 under the auspices of the University of Basel. The author wishes to thank Dr. Paolo Michele Patocchi, LL.M., attorney-at-law, Geneva, for his observations and critical review.

Lajos Vékás
Professor of Private Law, ELTE University School of Law, Budapest.

Access_open EU Enlargement: Aspects of (International) Procedural Law

Authors Heiss Helmut and Anna Suproń-Heidel
Author's information

Heiss Helmut
Dr. jur. (Innsbruck), LL.M. (Chicago); Professor of Law; Chair for Private Law, Comparative Law and Harmonization of Laws in the Baltic Sea Area (Gerd-Bucerius-Foundation Chair), University of Greifswald/Germany.

Anna Suproń-Heidel
Mag. jur. (Poznan), LL.M. (Kiel); Academic Assistant; Chair for Private Law, Comparative Law and Harmonization of Laws in the Baltic Sea Area (Gerd-Bucerius-Foundation Chair), University of Greifswald/Germany.

Daniel Girsberger
Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney-at-Law, Professor at the Universities of Luzern and Zurich.

Walter A. Stoffel
Professor of Private International Law and Law of Corporations, Faculty of Law, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Member and Vice-President of the Council of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne; Former Scientific Director of the International Association of Legal Science (I.A.L.S.). e-mail <>. I would like to thank Bianca Bessire and Nadia Gilliard, research assistants at the Faculty of Law, for their help in the preparation of this text.

Peter Gottwald
Professor of Law at Regensburg University.

Samuel P. Baumgartner
Deputy Head, Section oF Private International Law, Federal Office of Justice, Swiss Department of Justice and Police. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Swiss government. All references to sites on the World-Wide Web were last checked on 23 November 2001.

Maureen B. Fitzmahan

Frank Emmert

Frank Emmert

Frank Emmert