
Search screen

You can search the full text for articles by entering your search term in the search field on the left handside of the page.If you click the search button, the search results will be shown on a fresh page where the search results can be narrowed down by journal, category or year. If you use the filter ‘Journal’ you can narrow down your search results to one journal in particular. If you clik on one of the journals, the search results will be narrowed down to the search results pertaining to this journal. You can further refine your search by using ‘Category’ and/or ‘Year’.

Below the search field at the center of the page you will find the filters that have been chosen, which are marked by a cross (x). You can remove the filter by clicking the cross (x).

If you are looking for a combination of words, please put the words in quotation marks. For example: “The Hague”.

If you are looking for a combination of particular words in an article, please put these words between quotation marks and use a space to separate them. For example: “The Hague” “International Court”.

If you are looking for an article that has a particular word in it (e.g. The Hague), but without a specific other word (e.g. dismissal), please fill in these words in the search field, using the minus sign before the word that should be left out of the search. For example: “The Hague” - dismissal.

Searching for an author or keyword

If you read an article by an author and you would like to know whether the author has written other articles, you can simply click on the author’s name. You will find all articles written by this author that have been published by us. The same applies to keywords. If you click on a keyword, you will find all articles that carry this keyword.


It is allowed to print articles for your own use. To print an article, please choose ‘Show PDF’ and click on the print button.


All articles since 1998 are available in HTML and PDF.

System requirements

  • Windows 2000, XP or higher
  • Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
  • Firefox 2.0+, Internet Explorer 6.0+ or Safari 2.0+
  • Adobe Reader to read, print, and save articles in PDF