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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 2, 2000

Panos Koutrakos
Lecturer in European Law, University of Durham. This article essentially reproduces, with minor changes, a contribution in a forthcoming volume on exports of dual-use goods edited by Per Cramer. I thank him for his permission to publish it in this journal. I am also grateful to Rosa Greaves and Bob Sullivan for their comments on an earlier draft.

Juliet Lodge
Centre for European Studies, Department of Law, University of Leeds, UK.

Francisco Javier Garcia-Golmar Fernandez
LL.M., LL.B., DIPL, DiPL, Lawyer.

Mark Attew
Faculty of Laws, University College, London WC1H OEG.

Olusoji O. Elias
Lecturer in the Conflict of Laws, University of Buckingham; Rapporteur, African Law Seminar Series (University of London), SOAS, April-June 1999. This article is based on a talk of the same description given at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study (University of London), 8 July 1999. While a sense of appreciation is due to the participants at the first-named thought provoking series of seminars, the views expressed herein are the present writer's, in a personal capacity, and they should not be attributed elsewhere.

Lajos Véä
Professor of Law, Chairman of the Codification Committee, Budapest.

Frank Emmert