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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 1, 2000

Jutta Limbach
President of the German Federal Constitutional Court. Translated by Iain L. Fraser.

Dieter Henrich
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c., Universität Regensburg.

Access_open Lobbying and Competition Law

Authors Ulrich Ernst

Ulrich Ernst

Russell B. Sunshine
The author is a lawyer and independent consultant in international development, based in Umbria, Italy. The ideas presented in this article draw upon concepts previously developed for his book, Managing Technical Assistance: A Practitioner's Handbook (East-West Center, 1995), and for a professional staff training workshop which he designed and conducted for the Office of the General Counsel of the Asian Development Bank in Manila in January 1998. The author acknowledges with genuine appreciation the substantive and editorial comments on preliminary drafts of the article which were contributed by Rita Parrilli, Donald Strombom and Nancy Swing.

Maria Dakolias
M. Dakolias is counsel in the World Bank's Legal Department where she works on legal and judicial reform projects. The views expressed in this article are her views and not those of the organization she represents.

Javier Said
J. Said is an international consultant for innovation and technology management projects for the public sector including judicial reform. The authors wish to thank Judge John Lockhart for his comments. In addition, they wish to thank Alexandra Hunneus for her research assistance.

Stefani Bär
Ecologic, Pfalzburgerstr. 43-44, 10717 Berlin.

Silke Albin

Christa Tobler
Leiden University, the Netherlands (EC law) and Basel University, Switzerland (gender law)

Toshiyuki Kono

Ingeborg Schwenzer