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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 3, 1999

Pierre Widmer
Professor of Law, Director of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne.

Michael J. Bonell
Professor of Law, University of Rome I; Chairman of the Working Group for the preparation of the UNIDROIT Principles.

Frank Vischer
Professor of private law (em.), University of Basel; President, Europainstitut Basel.

Franco Ferrari
Professor of Comparative Private Law, Bologna University School of Law; JD (Honours), Bologna University, Italy; LL.M., Augsburg University, Germany. The author gratefully acknowledges the help of Ms Elena Baccioli, JD Candidate, and Ms Beatrice Smith, JD Candidate, in preparing the English version of this text. Copyright Franco Ferrari.

Access_open The Conclusion of a Contract in Accordance with UNIDROIT Principles

Authors Anton K. Schnyder and Ralf M. Straub

Anton K. Schnyder

Ralf M. Straub

Ernst A. Kramer
Professor of Private Law, University of Basle.

Ingeborg Schwenzer
Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M. (Berkeley), Professor of Private Law, University of Basle.

Peter Schlechtriem
Professor, Universität Freiburg, Germany.