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International Institute of Space Law

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Issue 4, 2011

Dr. Ulrike M. Bohlmann
European Space Agency, Paris, France,

Mahulena Hofmann
SES Chair in Satellite Communications and Media Law, University of Luxembourg/Faculty of Law, Charles University Prague,

Steven Freeland
Professor of International Law, University of Western Sydney, Australia; Permanent Visiting Professor of International Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Director, International Institute of Space Law; Member of the Space Law Committee, International Law Association; Member of Faculty, London Institute of Space Policy and Law.

Donna Lawler
Commercial Satellite Lawyer, Sydney, Australia.

Access_open Space debris as a ‘single item for discussion’

Authors Professor Dr Maureen Williams
Author's information

Professor Dr Maureen Williams
University of Buenos Aires / CONICET (Argentina), Chair ILA Space Law Committee (HQ, London),