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Hague Justice Journal

Publication ceased in 2010

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Issue 3, 2009

Harry Post
Harry Post is General Editor of the HJJ-JJH and Editor-in-chief of the Hague Justice Portal.

Mario Odoni
Researcher in International Law at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sassari, Italy.

Yvonne McDermott
LL.B. (National University of Ireland, Galway); LL.M. cum laude (Leiden University); Ph.D. Candidate, Irish Centre for Human Rights. The author would like to express her sincere thanks to Mr. David Leahy for comments on an earlier draft.

Yoshifumi Tanaka
Assistant Professor of Law, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law.

Paul von Muhlendahl
Paul von Muhlendahl is a PhD student (Institut d’Etudes de Droit Public, IEDP) and Lecturer at the Université Paris Sud and Lecturer at Sciences-po Paris.

Cedric Ryngaert
Assistant Professor of International Law, Leuven University and Utrecht University.

Andrea Ewing
Andrea Ewing (LLB/BA, LLM) is an intern at the Special Department for War Crimes, Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Carsten Stahn
Dr. jur., LL.M. (NYU), LL.M. (Cologne-Paris), Associate Professor of International Criminal Law, Leiden University, Programme Director, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. These remarks are based on the Opening of the Academic Year at Campus Den Haag, Leiden University. Thanks are owed to Ms. Ruth Shaikh for her editorial assistance.

Dan Saxon
Dan Saxon is Senior Trial Attorney at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The views expressed herein are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Tribunal or the United Nations in general.