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Hague Justice Journal

Publication ceased in 2010

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Issue 1, 2006

Harry Post
Harry Post is General Editor of the HJJ-JJH and Editor-in-chief of the Hague Justice Portal.

Access_open The Iron Rhine Arbitration Case: On the Right Legal Track?

Analysis of the Award and of its Relation to the Law of the European Community

Authors Ineke van Bladel
Author's information

Ineke van Bladel
Ineke van Bladel is Legal Counsel at the International Law Division of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The author acted as co-agent in the Iron Rhine case. The opinions expressed by the author in this paper are solely the author’s and do not necessarily represent those of the Government of the Netherlands. This article was previously published in the Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International, Volume 18 (2005), p. 3-22.

Philippe Sands
Professor Philippe Sands Q.C., University College London and Matrix Chambers.This is a (slightly) adapted text of a speech given on 6th April 2006 in The Hague at the opening of the 3rd Annual From Peace to Justice Conference.

André de Hoogh
Dr André de Hoogh is a senior lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Groningen.

Willem van Genugten
Willem van Genugten is a Professor of International Law at Tilburg University in the Netherlands.
Case Law

Access_open Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission Awards

Authors J. Romesh Weeramantry
Author's information

J. Romesh Weeramantry
J. Romesh Weeramantry, School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary College, University of London.

Ruben Karemaker
Ruben Karemaker is an Associate Legal Officer, Chambers, United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The views expressed herein are those of the author alone and do not necessarily refl ect the views of the International Tribunal or the United Nations in general.

Paul Tavernier
Paul Tavernier is Professor at the University of Paris XI and Director of CREDHO.

Pauline Otten
Pauline Otten, LL.M is the Managing Editor at the Hague Justice Portal.