European Journal of Policing Studies


Surrounded by Safety

Safety as an encompassing policy concept in the Netherlands

Keywords Integrated safety policy, Local safety policy, Safety concept
Authors Sandra L. Resodihardjo en Ruth Prins
Author's information

Sandra L. Resodihardjo
Sandra L. Resodihardjo is assistant professor in public administration at the Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Her main research interests include the agenda-setting process, policy change, safety and security issues, and blame games.

Ruth Prins
Ruth Prins is an assistant professor at the Institute for Public Administration, Leiden University, The Netherlands. Her PhD research is about the changing position and role of Dutch mayors in local safety governance between 1990 and 2010 (corresp:
  • Abstract

      Safety used to be a pretty straightforward concept: governments need to safeguard the country from invasion and its citizens from crime. Over time, additional issues became to be defined as a safety problem. Even so, the safety problems and their accompanying policies remained clearly demarcated – safety revolved, for example, around product safety. Recently, an encompassing safety concept has become popular in the Netherlands. No longer referring to a clearly demarcated policy issue, the concept and its related integrated safety policy covers everything from fighting crime to making sure that street lights work. In this article, we show how safety in general has become firmly embedded on the Dutch government agenda over time and explain what integrated safety policy entails.

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