
European Journal of Policing Studies

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Issue 3, 2014 Expand all abstracts


Authors Antoinette Verhage, Lieselot Bisschop and Wim Hardyns

Antoinette Verhage

Lieselot Bisschop

Wim Hardyns

Modelling intelligence-led policing to identify its potential

Keywords System dynamics, collaboration, intelligence, police, intelligence-led policing
Authors Mariëlle den Hengst-Bruggeling, Bart de Graaf and Peter van Scheepstal
AbstractAuthor's information

    Intelligence-led policing is a concept of policing that has been applied throughout the world. Despite some encouraging reports, the effect of intelligence-led policing is largely unknown. This paper presents a method with which it is possible to identify intelligence-led policing’s potential to increase the effectiveness of policing. The method is based on modelling with system dynamics and takes into account the complexities of intelligence-led policing. For evaluation purposes, this method has been applied using a case study in the Netherlands. The case study shows that collaboratively constructing the system dynamics model provides a more structured insight into the effects of intelligence-led policing. With system dynamics it is possible to support the ‘good stories’ of intelligence-led policing with argumentation explaining the mechanisms in which intelligence-led policing potentially improves effectiveness.

Mariëlle den Hengst-Bruggeling
Mariëlle den Hengst-Bruggeling holds a position at both Delft University of Technology since 1994 and the Police Academy of the Netherlands since 2009. Informed decision-making is the focus of the research of den Hengst. She focuses on a diverse set of mechanisms that either prohibit or advance informed decision-making. Her main interest is in complex and dynamic settings with multiple actors involved, such as security (corresp: Marielle.den.hengst@politieacademie.nl).

Bart de Graaf
Bart de Graaf is consultant in the area of Workplace Innovation in the expertise group Sustainable Productivity and Employment of the Dutch research institute TNO. He studied physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He works at TNO as researcher-consultant in the area of sustainable labour productivity mainly for knowledge workers for profit and non-profit organisations.

Peter van Scheepstal
Peter van Scheepstal is operational analyst at the expertise group Military Operations of the Dutch research institute TNO. Van Scheepstal studied econometrics at the University of Tilburg. He works at TNO as a researcher in the field of defense logistics and military effectiveness. He also works as a modelling expert for other TNO research fields.

Physical fitness and anthropometric characteristics of graduating Norwegian Police University College students

Keywords Physical test performance, physical health, police officers, work ability
Authors Thomas Dillern, Ole Ragnar Norheim Jenssen and Jørgen Ingebrigtsen
AbstractAuthor's information

    The aim of the study was to assess physical fitness and anthropometric characteristics of Norwegian male and female graduating police university college students. Several fitness tests (i.e. upper body strength, explosive leg power and endurance capacity) were conducted and anthropometric data (i.e. body mass and stature) were collected. Compared with relevant reference groups, the present students perform well on physical fitness tests. Moreover, this study provides a better understanding of some of the properties forthcoming police officers obtain, and the present findings could be valuable if one aims to further investigate the development of physical fitness throughout police careers.

Thomas Dillern
Thomas Dillern has a master degree in Sport Science from Bodø Regional University College in Norway (currently University of Nordland) where he examined soccer physiology. After working seven years at the endurance laboratory at the University of Nordland he now works at the Norwegian Police University College, among other with teaching physical training (corresp: Thomas.dillern@phs.no).

Ole Ragnar Norheim Jenssen
Ole Ragnar Norheim Jenssen has an MSc degree in Sport Science from the University of Nordland, Norway, where he examined on survey methods to measure physical activity. He now works at the Norwegian Police University College teaching physical training.

Jørgen Ingebrigtsen
Jørgen Ingebrigtsen earned his MSc degree in Human Movement Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where he worked on specific adaptations from strength training. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Nordland, Bodø, Norway, working on training and testing in soccer.

The importance of relating theory and practice when teaching police students

Keywords Police students, Police theory, Police practice, Police teaching, Engagement
Authors Pål Lagestad
AbstractAuthor's information

    The general trend of scientific and academic professionalization of practical professions, challenges practical professions all over the world. On the basis of interviews and surveys among police students, this study examines what police students experience to be good teaching at the Police University College. In accordance with Dewey (1916), the results clearly demonstrate the importance of relating theory to police practice in social science. For this reason, it is suggested that obligatory participation in police patrols and other police work should be a requirement for teachers in social science at the Police University College. Surprisingly, the students pointed to engagement and to relate theory to practice as important skills of a teacher as knowledge of the subject, to be prepared for lessons and pedagogical skills. Engagement and to relate theory to practice may also be important characteristic of good teaching at other universities with education related to practical professions, such as nursing and teaching.

Pål Lagestad
Pål Lagestad works as a reader in sport and physical education at the Department of Teacher Education, Nord-Trøndelag University College. He worked for several years as a teacher at the Police University College in Bodø, Norway (corresp: Pal.Lagestad@hint.no).

Surrounded by Safety

Safety as an encompassing policy concept in the Netherlands

Keywords Integrated safety policy, Local safety policy, Safety concept
Authors Sandra L. Resodihardjo and Ruth Prins
AbstractAuthor's information

    Safety used to be a pretty straightforward concept: governments need to safeguard the country from invasion and its citizens from crime. Over time, additional issues became to be defined as a safety problem. Even so, the safety problems and their accompanying policies remained clearly demarcated – safety revolved, for example, around product safety. Recently, an encompassing safety concept has become popular in the Netherlands. No longer referring to a clearly demarcated policy issue, the concept and its related integrated safety policy covers everything from fighting crime to making sure that street lights work. In this article, we show how safety in general has become firmly embedded on the Dutch government agenda over time and explain what integrated safety policy entails.

Sandra L. Resodihardjo
Sandra L. Resodihardjo is assistant professor in public administration at the Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Her main research interests include the agenda-setting process, policy change, safety and security issues, and blame games.

Ruth Prins
Ruth Prins is an assistant professor at the Institute for Public Administration, Leiden University, The Netherlands. Her PhD research is about the changing position and role of Dutch mayors in local safety governance between 1990 and 2010 (corresp: r.s.prins@cdh.leidenuniv.nl).

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