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DOI: 10.5553/IISL/2021064003003

International Institute of Space LawAccess_open


Reconciling SSA Data Sharing Legal Practices through a Comparative Approach

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    With the intensification of space activities the urgency of STM has emerged and with it the necessity to harmonize, or at least coordinate, SSA data sharing practices. At the moment, the existing data sharing models mainly present a domestic approach in the determination of legal clauses and standards definition and display potential issues in terms of long-term sustainability, also vis-à-vis the amount of heterogeneous sources of SSA data expected to increase.
    Through a comparative legal methodology with a problem-solving approach, this contribution will investigate the risks and opportunities posed by these heterogeneous approaches, with a specific focus on the models implemented by the US, the EU and China. Moreover, the integration of civil and commercial SSA data, or services, will be considered and the potential liability issues analyzed.

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