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DOI: 10.5553/IISL/2021064003002

International Institute of Space LawAccess_open


Towards the Development of an STM Regime: Opportunities and Barriers for Europe

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    Space Traffic Management (STM) is addressed by the global space community for more than a decade. The United States have set up the Space Policy directive on STM and a proposal for a set of “Space Traffic Coordination and Management” standards. These developments intensified dialogue around STM and led to the further development of initiatives and programmes in Europe on STM, SST and SSA, recognizing its importance for the safety and sustainability of space activities. The recently published Action Plan on Synergies between civil, defence and space industries of the European Commission defines an action item on STM and refers to the “EU strategy for Space Traffic Management.” This paper provides an overview on the STM evolutions and status. It follows with the provision of space policies and programmes in the EU, ESA and selected member states. An outlook for the development of a common European approach is provided.

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