European Journal of Law Reform


DAO Regulation and Legislation

Keywords Wyoming DAO Law, DAO, LAO, DAO Law, decentralized autonomous organization
Authors Rick Tapia, Andrew Bull en Tyler Harttraft
Author's information

Rick Tapia
Rick Tapia, Associate at Bull Blockchain Law LLP,

Andrew Bull
Andrew Bull, founding partner at Bull Blockchain Law LLP,

Tyler Harttraft
Tyler Harttraft, partner at Bull Blockchain Law LLP,
  • Abstract

      This article explores the contrast between traditional centralized corporate entities and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in the U.S. financial regulatory landscape. While traditional entities operate with a centralized structure and clear managerial hierarchies, DAOs disrupt this paradigm with their decentralized, democratic, and digital nature, thanks to blockchain technology. DAOs face significant legal challenges due to their unique structures, including regulatory uncertainty and liability issues. The paper highlights the need for regulatory clarity and adaptation to accommodate the participatory structures of DAOs. It concludes that while existing financial regulations apply to DAOs, they often fall short due to DAOs' unique nature, necessitating an update in regulatory approaches to appreciate the specific virtues of DAOs and Legal Autonomous Organizations (LAOs). The evolving landscape of DAOs demands close observation and involvement from various stakeholders in the blockchain industry to address these regulatory challenges effectively.

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