European Journal of Law Reform


Cryptocurrency Regulation in a Robust Market

The Vietnamese Approach

Keywords cryptocurrency, regulation, Vietnam
Authors To Van Hoa en To Vu Nhat Minh
Author's information

To Van Hoa
Associate Professor To Van Hoa is a Vice Rector at Hanoi Law University. E-mail:;

To Vu Nhat Minh
Mr. To Vu Nhat Minh is an Associate at Anhisa LLC. E-mail:;
  • Abstract

      The Vietnamese market has consistently demonstrated impressive levels of grassroots adoption of cryptocurrencies and, therefore, is always a prospective market for cryptocurrency development. This is one of the driving factors behind the need for effective cryptocurrency regulation in the country, so that investors and consumers are properly protected. However, as is the case with all new elements of the economy, regulating cryptocurrencies is a delicate process of balancing between economic development and protection of parties with limited leverage. If laws are too strict, then the market momentum is stifled and an economic opportunity is missed. Conversely, if laws are too lax, then the market is poorly regulated and fraud may become widespread and cause severe damages. This article aims to demonstrate the overall Vietnamese position on cryptocurrency regulation, including how it is being executed and how it might be executed in the foreseeable future.

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