European Journal of Law Reform


Beyond Speculation

The Transformative Power of Blockchain Technology in Various Industries

Keywords blockchain technology, industries, transformation, applications, adoption
Authors Hatem Mabrouk
Author's information

Hatem Mabrouk
Hatem Mabrouk is Professor of International Business, University of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. Blockchain Leader at EGADE Business School Center of Digital Evolution. Cofounder and COO at LinkBridge. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5816-7290.
  • Abstract

      Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize several industries, from supply chain management and financial services to healthcare and voting systems. This article discusses how blockchain technology has begun transforming those industries by presenting real use cases demonstrating that blockchain is much more than just a tool for speculation. The article concludes by underlining blockchain’s potential for future innovation and growth.

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