The International Journal of Restorative Justice


Truth and recognition at the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace

Authors Catalina Diaz, Lina Moreno en Sandra Santa
Author's information

Catalina Diaz
Catalina Diaz took office as one of the head judges of the Truth and Acknowledgement Chamber in the SJP, where she co-leads three macro-cases (case 03 on assassinations and enforced disappearances by State agents to present the victims as enemy combatants fallen in combat; case 06 on the extermination by State agents of the political party Patriotic Union; and case 08 on other crimes committed by State agents, including in collusion with paramilitaries and third parties).

Lina Moreno
Lina Moreno is a Colombian lawyer with extensive experience in transitional justice and armed conflict and has worked in Judge Diaz’ team for several years.

Sandra Santa
Sandra Santa is a Colombian lawyers with extensive experience in transitional justice and armed conflict and has also worked in Judge Diaz’ team for several years. Corresponding author: Catalina Diaz at

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