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DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647002005047004001

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Politieke participatie van vrouwen en Islamitisch fundamentalisme in postrevolutionair Iran

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Silvia Erzeel, "Politieke participatie van vrouwen en Islamitisch fundamentalisme in postrevolutionair Iran", Res Publica, 4, (2005):443-465

    The article deals with the relationship between Islamic fundamentalism and the political participation of women. Firstly, it is discussed at length which political role women play in theories on Islamic fundamentalism. According to some scholars, it is indeed paramount to eliminate where possible, existing stereotypes which state that women are solely ‘placed’ in the private domain by fundamentalists. Secondly, the article examines the extent of actual political participation in a context of Islamic fundamentalism, more specifically the Islamic Republic of Iran. Models of political participation are often implicitly based on formal (electoral) forms of participation. However, women often remain invisible in these kinds of models. Consequently, the article centres on a possible broadening of the notion ‘political participation’ and the incorporation of new forms of informal political activities in the analysis of political participation.

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