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DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647002003045004633

Res PublicaAccess_open


Hoe verdeeld is de lokale politiek?: Politieke fragmentatie in Vlaamse gemeente

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Benny Geys, "Hoe verdeeld is de lokale politiek?: Politieke fragmentatie in Vlaamse gemeente", Res Publica, 4, (2003):633-649

    A significant international literature has shown that political fragmentation the existence of multiple parties in a governing body - affects policy-making. Indeed, an increase in the number of parties increases the number of viewpoints considered, but on the other hand may also lead to a decrease in government flexibility. This paper first of all shows that Flemish municipalities often have fragmented governments as measured by the number of parties represented in the municipal council and the College of Mayor and Alderman. We also show that this fragmentation at the local level affects policy-making, though not necessarily in the same directions found in the international literature.

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