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DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001976018001059

Res PublicaAccess_open



The belgian case

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Steven Philip Kramer, "Néo-socialism", Res Publica, 1, (1976):59-80

    The inability of reformist socialism to cape with the rise of fascism and the Great Depression led to a significant challenge by neo-socialists. In Belgium, this challenge was led by De Man and Spaak. In 1933, the POB accepted De Man's Plan as its program of action; in 1935 it entered into the Van Zeeland government. Although in many ways, theneos showed greater understanding of the nature of advanced capitalist society than the orthodox reformists, they displayed an alarming tendency to try to preempt fascism by emulating certain fascist positions.De Man and Spaak broke with socialist internationalism and collective security. De Man became convinced of the bankruptcy of democratic institutions and of the democratic states. This attitude ultimately led him from neutralism to collaboration, in the belief that fascism was indeed the wave of the future.

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