DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001974016002247

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Politisering van het openbaar bestuur

de betrekkingen tussen politieke leiding, ambtelijk apparaat en omgeving

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U. Rosenthal, "Politisering van het openbaar bestuur", Res Publica, 2, (1974):247-277

    The author discusses a number of perspectives concerning the politicization of public administration. Firstly, he argues that it be hardlyadequate to confine the concept of politicization to the increasing penetration of political par ties into the sphere of public administration. The politicization of public administration refers to more intensive patternsof bureaucratie polities as well. Secondly, he warns against a too easy acceptance of the idea that a politicization of public administration has taken place. One might say that what is aften considered as a growing penetration of political factors into the administrative sphere actually pertains to the increasing awareness and visibility regarding the frequent and intensive relations between polities and administration. Same of the theoretical perspectives are applied to the subject of administrative reorganization.

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