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European Journal of Policing Studies


Inter-organisational Relationships Addressing Transnational Criminality: Suggested Benchmarks

Intelligence and law enforcement inter-organisational relationship policy and practice benchmarks arising from case studies of Denmark, Finland and New Zealand

Keywords Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, intelligence, law enforcement, policy, practice, cooperation, coordination, collaboration
Authors Richard Shortt
Author's information

Richard Shortt
Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security, Charles Sturt University. Dr. Shortt was a serving police officer who most recently worked as a national security adviser in the Prime Minister’s department, as manager of New Zealand’s Combined Threat Assessment Group, and as a manager with the Organised and Financial Crime Agency. Dr. Shortt’s research interests are the inter-organisational relationships between organisations in response to ‘cross-boundary’ issues (corresp:
  • Abstract

      Following over a decade of focus on terrorism and transnational criminality, how have three ‘intermediate capacity’ countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) structured their intelligence and law enforcement inter-organisational relationships to respond to such wicked problems? This article presents the results of case studies regarding Denmark, Finland and New Zealand that examined the inter-organisational arrangements between the countries intelligence and law enforcement agencies. The case studies used publicly available secondary sources from the period 1 January 2007–31 December 2012 to obtain data for analysis. The data was analysed using research that had established the types of inter-organisational relationships organisations can have to determine the relationships occurring in each of the countries. The results of the case studies establish that the three countries are committed to a variety of cooperative, coordinated and collaborative relationships.

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