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European Journal of Policing Studies


Police Reform and Power in Post Conflict Societies

A Conceptual Map for Analysis

Keywords power, police reform, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Community Oriented Policing, Development Assistance
Authors Shai André Divon
Author's information

Shai André Divon
Dr. Shai André Divon is Researcher with the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric), Norwegian Univeristy of Life Sciences (NMBU). He has extensive military and security background and a PhD in Development Politics. His research and work experience is varied and interdisciplinary, and include work in Africa, Asia, The Middle East and North America. His research interests are focused on the analytics of power in society and through foreign assistance (corresp:
  • Abstract

      Post-conflict reconstruction and police reform are located in the security-development nexus where global and state power moves towards individuals. In recent years, there has been an increased investment by the EU and the UN to contribute to police reform in post conflict societies. This article offers a conceptual map for the analysis of power across contexts through police reform interventions in post conflict societies. It draws on various theories of power to explain the conceptual-contextual gap. This map facilitates the observation of the police as a technology of power and as a projector of power in post conflict societies. ‘Unintended-empowerment’ through power projection is introduced to explain how police as an organisation and policing as a practice are often undermined. The article concludes with an outline to assist the analysis of the conceptual-contextual gap in police reform interventions and outcomes in post conflict societies through power optics.

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