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European Journal of Policing Studies


Exploring Police-Citizen Conflict and Reconciliation Through a Relational Model

Keywords conflict management, reconciliation, relationship value, relationship compatibility, relationship security
Authors Sara Stronks
Author's information

Sara Stronks
Sara Stronks is PhD researcher at the Tilburg School of Politics and Public Administration. From 2009 to 2014 Sara worked as a researcher at the Police Academy of the Netherlands in Apeldoorn. For her PhD research project on police-citizen reconciliation, she is affiliated with the University of Tilburg (School of Politics and Public Administration, TSPB). Currently, Sara is working as a teacher and researcher Security Management at Saxion University of applied sciences (NL) (corresp.:
  • Abstract

      In this paper, the function of reconciliation in five different Dutch cases of media-salient police-citizen group conflict is explored through a Relational Model. Based on 53 interviews with key-actors, the ratio between assessments on the value, security and compatibility of police-citizen relationships and conflict interaction is analysed. The results indicate that respondents actively describe police-citizen relationships in terms of their value, security and compatibility. Assessments on the security and compatibility of a relationship seem directly negatively affected by overt conflict. Individual negative intergroup interaction and relationship assessment can be transformed – reconciled – through critical moments of direct contact and reconciliation appears an important and effective strategy of relationship maintenance in mutually assessed valuable relationships that are challenged by overt conflict. A group reconciliation however, seems only possible when key-actor party representatives commit to the reconciliation process.

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