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European Journal of Policing Studies


Street Cop Culture and the Aging Police Force

Understanding the Interplay between Demographic Change, Organizational Culture, Leadership and Police Officers’ Performance

Keywords Organizational culture, street cop culture, demographic change, aging, leadership, health management
Authors Antonio Vera en Katharina Koelling
Author's information

Antonio Vera
Antonio Vera is a full professor for Organization and Human Resource Management at the German Police University in Muenster (corresp: He received his doctorate as well as his post-doctoral qualification (Habilitation) from the University of Cologne, Germany. His main areas of expertise are police and health care management, focusing in particular on innovation and organizational culture.

Katharina Koelling
Katharina Koelling is a research associate and doctoral student at the German Police University. Her main areas of expertise are police culture and human resource management.
  • Abstract

      The purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship between aging, organizational culture, leadership and police officers’ performance, and in particular to examine the difficulties in handling age-related physical limitations in police forces. We investigate this topic empirically on the basis of quantitative and qualitative data using the example of a German police organization. Our results indicate that organizational culture plays a fundamental role in understanding the effects of an aging workforce. Police officers tend to suppress, ignore or deny their age-related physical deficits, which they perceive as incompatible with their cultural self-conception as police officers. Therefore, measures to cope with the challenges of demographic change cannot be successfully implemented in police organizations unless they explicitly take account of the organizational culture of the police.

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