
International Institute of Space Law

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Issue 5, 2015

Maureen Williams
University of Buenos Aires / Conicet, Chair, ILA Space Law Committee

Access_open How Simple Terms Mislead Us

The Pitfalls of Thinking about Outer Space as a Commons

Authors Henry R. Hertzfeld, Brian Weeden and Christopher D. Johnson
Author's information

Henry R. Hertzfeld
Research Professor, Space Policy Institute, George Washington University, Washington, DC

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor, Secure World Foundation, Washington, DC

Christopher D. Johnson
Project Manager, Secure World Foundation, Washington, DC

Access_open Who Owns the Natural Resources on Asteroids?

Authors Guoyu Wang and Yangzi Tao
Author's information

Guoyu Wang
Ph.D. assistant professor, deputy dean of institute of space law of BIT, visiting scholar of National Center for Romote Sensing, Air, and Space Law Mississippi University School of Law (2011-2012), Senior Acadamy Fellow, Chatham House (2014-)

Yangzi Tao
Master in International Law, Beijing Institute of Technology Law School

Dennis J. Burnett
Adjunct Professor, University of Nebraska College of Law, USA

Kumar Abhijeet
Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Air and Space Law, University of Cologne, Germany

María-del-Carmen Muñoz-Rodríguez
Associate Professor of Public International Law and European Union Law, University of Jaén, Spain

Access_open Small But on the Radar

The Regulatory Evolution of Small Satellites in the Netherlands

Authors Neta Palkovitz and Tanja Masson-Zwaan
Author's information

Neta Palkovitz
PhD candidate, International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University, The Netherlands, ISIS – Innovative Solutions In Space B.V., The Netherlands

Tanja Masson-Zwaan
International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University, The Netherlands

Yun Zhao
Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

Access_open European Earth Observation Data Policy

Meeting Various Goals by Multiple and Diverse Actors: A Herculean Task?

Authors Irmgard Marboe
Author's information

Irmgard Marboe
Univ. Prof., University of Vienna, Austria

Shouping Li
Professor of international law, Law school of Beijing Institute of Technology, Director of Institute of Space Law of Beijing Institute of Technology

Access_open Earth in Danger and Space Law

Authors José Monserrat Filho
Author's information

José Monserrat Filho
Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law (SBDA), Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil