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International Institute of Space Law

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Issue 2, 2012

M.J. Stanford
Immediate past Deputy Secretary-General International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) This paper is based on the author’s article “The availability of a new form of financing for commercial space activities: the extension of the Cape Town Convention to space assets” published in the Cape Town Convention Journal, 2012, pp. 109 et seq.

Prof. Sergio Marchisio
Sergio Marchisio, full professor of international law at the Sapienza University of Rome, chaired the five sessions of the UNIDROIT Committee of Governmental Experts entrusted to negotiate the Protocol on Space Assets, and the Committee of the Whole of the 2012 Berlin Diplomatic Conference which successfully adopted the draft and opened it for signature.

Mr. Paul Larsen
Georgetown University Law Center, United States, LARSENPB@law.georgetown. edu. The author taught space air and space law for more than 40 years respectively at Southern Methodist University and at Georgetown University Law Center for more than 40 years. He participated in the space industry working group on the Space Protocol and was IISL observer of the Unidroit Committee of Governmental Experts meetings and at the 2010 Berlin Diplomatic Conference on the Space Protocol. This paper is presented solely in the author’s personal capacity and does not express the views of any agency or association with he may be associated.

Prof. Gabriella Catalano Sgrosso
University of Rome, Italy,

Prof. Mark Sundahl
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States,

Prof. Dr. Lesley Jane Smith LL.M.
Leuphana University Weber-Steinhaus & Smith, Cotton Exchange. D-28195 Bremen,

Atip Latipulhayat
Director of the Indonesian Centre for Air and Space Law (ICASL), Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University, Bandung-Indonesia,

Seiko Morikawa
University of London International Programme, Japan,

Masatoshi Nakano
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan,

Hamid Kazemi
PhD student, Iran,

Hadi Mahmoudi
Aerospace Research Institute, Iran,

Dr. Ali Akbar Golroo
Aerospace Research Institute, Iran,

Phetole Patrick Sekhula
J.D., Georgetown University Law Centre, LLM Candidate, University of Pretoria; Advocate of the High Court of South Africa, Councillor, South African Council For Space Affairs (SACSA),