
International Institute of Space Law

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Issue 3, 1999

Access_open Legal Framework for Expanding Privatisation in Space: Views and Interim Results from the "Project 2001" Working Group on Privatisation

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors S.U. Reif and B. Schmidt-Tedd

S.U. Reif

B. Schmidt-Tedd

Access_open Privatisation, Jurisprudence and Space

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors F. Lyall

F. Lyall

Access_open Property Rights and Space Commercialization

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors J. Clayton-Townsend

J. Clayton-Townsend

Access_open Conference on Space Property Rights: Next Steps

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors P. Dasch, M.M. Smith and A. Pierce

P. Dasch

M.M. Smith

A. Pierce

Access_open Comity in Space

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors D.J. O'Donnell

D.J. O'Donnell

Access_open Recent Developments in Patents for Outer Space

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors B.L. Smith

B.L. Smith

Access_open Persistence Pays Off: The Case of Hughes Aircraft Company v. USA, 1976-1999

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors C.Q. Christol

C.Q. Christol

Access_open Shifts in U.S. Export Controls Force Changes Upon Commercial Satellite Manufacturers and Space Launch Providers

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors D. Lihani

D. Lihani

Access_open Lockheed Martin Intersputnik (LMI) as a Form of Commercialization in the Activity of the Intergovernmental Satellite Organization

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors V.S. Veshchunov

V.S. Veshchunov

Access_open Legal Implications on Satellite Procurement and Trade Issues between Japan and the United States

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors M. Sato, T. Kosuge and P. van Fenema

M. Sato

T. Kosuge

P. van Fenema

Access_open Financial Responsibility and Government Indemnities for Commercial Space Launch Activities: The Australian Approach

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors M.E. Davis and R.J. Lee

M.E. Davis

R.J. Lee

Access_open International Certification for Commercial Reusable Space Transportation

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors W.A. Gaubatz

W.A. Gaubatz

Access_open The 1994 Baikonur Agreements in Operation

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors M. Hosková

M. Hosková

Access_open International Law and Domestic Laws Governing Commercial Space Activity by Space Stations

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors G. Gál

G. Gál

Access_open Space Imaging Data Policy and Regulatory Structures

Legal Implications of Expanding Privatisation in Space

Authors M. Bourbonnière and L. Haeck

M. Bourbonnière

L. Haeck