European Journal of Law Reform


Wyoming’s DAO Statutes

A Model for Wider Adoption

Keywords DAO, cryptocurrency, Wyoming, securities, Howey, crypto
Authors Adam Kashin
Author's information

Adam Kashin
Adam Kashin holds a J.D. from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, and a B.A. from Wabash College. He has extensive experience researching, utilizing, and writing about decentralized technologies. Motivated by the radical transparency that is central to most decentralized networks, Adam seeks to contribute to legal systems that both support these networks and address their pitfalls.
  • Abstract

      This article examines the first American statutes that address the legal organizational structure of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). In 2021, the state of Wyoming folded the cryptocurrency-based organizations into the state’s definition of limited liability company (LLC), a legislative move that almost immediately drew widespread attention and criticism, while prompting the introduction of mirrored legislation in other states. This article addresses Wyoming’s novel statutory framework, securities regulation in this context, the practicality of treating DAOs as LLCs, and the first DAO organized under this statutory regime.

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