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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 3, 2007

Guy Harpaz
Jean Monnet Lecturer, Law Faculty and Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Lior Herman
European Institute, London School of Economics.

Amichai Magen
JSD Candidate and Lecturer in Law, Stanford Law School; Fellow, Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL), Stanford University. I would like to express my thanks to Guy Harpaz and Lior Herman for their helpful comments and to the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, for organizing the conference Approximation of Laws by Non-EU Countries to the EU Acquis, 27-28 May 2007, in which an earlier version of this article was presented. I am also grateful to CDDRL and Stanford Law School for their generous support of my research.

Guy Harpaz
Jean Monnet Lecturer, Law Faculty and Department of International Relations, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. President of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration. I would like to express my gratitude for the research assistance of Carmel Shenkar and Asaf Shamis and for the most helpful comments of Moshe Hirsch, Lior Herman, Amichai Magen and the anonymous referee. I am also grateful for the generous support given by the EU under the aegis of the Jean Monnet Action, by the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, the Hebrew University and by the University Institute for Diplomacy and Regional Co-operation, Tel Aviv University. The usual caveat applies. For a legal examination of the concept of approximation of laws in the Euro-Mediterranean context, see G. Harpaz, When East Meets West - Approximation of Laws in the Euro-Mediterranean Context, 43/1 CMLR 1 (2006). Comments to are welcome.

Jan Hagemejer
Warsaw University and National Bank of Poland. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and not necessarily of the institution he is affiliated with.

Jan J. Michalek
Warsaw University.

Titus van Stiphout
Deputy-Director ECU/Senior Legal Officer. The opinions represented in this contribution are strictly the personal views of the author.

René Schwok
European Institute & Department of Political Science, University of Geneva.

Michal S. Gal
LL.B., LL.M., S.J.D. Senior Lecturer and Director of Law and MBA Program, Haifa University School of Law; Global Hauser Visiting Professor, NYU School of Law and Visiting Professor, Georgetown University. I would like to thank participants at the conference The Approximation of Laws by Non-EU Countries to the EU Aquis for their most thoughtful comments. Many thanks to Guy Harpaz, Lior Herman, Arie Reich, Avishalom Tor and Spencer Weber Waller for their thoughtful comments and to Asaf Kazir for research assistance. All errors and omissions remain, of course, the author's. Comments are welcome:

Alfred Tovias
Walter Rathenau Professor in European Economics, Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Director of the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair in External Economic Relations of the EU. The author would like to thank an anonymous referee for his comments.

Andreas Herdina
Head of Unit, ENP Sector Coordination Unit, DG External Relations, European Commission.