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DOI: 10.5553/EELC/187791072021006003046

European Employment Law CasesAccess_open

Pending Cases

Case C-488/21, Social Insurance

GV – v – Chief Appeals Officer, Social Welfare Appeals Office, Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Ireland, Attorney General, reference lodged by the Court of Appeal (Ireland) on 10 August 2021

Keywords Social Insurance
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, "Case C-488/21, Social Insurance", European Employment Law Cases, 3, (2021):197-197

Dit artikel wordt geciteerd in

      1. Is the derived right of residence of a direct relative in the ascending line of a Union citizen worker pursuant to Article 7(2) of Directive 2004/38/EC conditional on the continued dependency of that relative on the worker?

      2. Does Directive 2004/38/EC preclude a host Member State from limiting access to a social assistance payment benefit by a family member of a Union citizen worker who enjoys a derived right of residence on the basis of her dependency on that worker, where access to such payment would mean she is no longer dependent on the worker?

      3. Does Directive 2004/38/EC preclude a host Member State from limiting access to a social assistance payment benefit by a family member of a Union citizen worker who enjoys a derived right of residence on the basis of her dependency on that worker, on the grounds that payment of the benefit will result in the family member concerned becoming an unreasonable burden on the social assistance system of the State?

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