ECJ 25 February 2021, Case C-940/19 (Les Chirurgiens-Dentistes de France and Others), Work and Residence Permit
Member States may authorise partial access to certain healthcare professions subject to the automatic recognition of professional qualifications; however this applies to the professions but not the professionals benefiting from automatic recognition, who should have full access to the activities covered by the corresponding profession in the host Member State.
Must Article 4f(6) of Directive 2005/36 as amended be interpreted as precluding legislation which allows for the possibility of partial access to one of the professions covered by the mechanism for the automatic recognition of professional qualifications laid down by the provisions of Chapter III of Title III of that directive?
Article 4f(6) of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, as amended by Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013, must be interpreted as not precluding legislation allowing for the possibility of partial access to one of the professions covered by the mechanism for the automatic recognition of professional qualifications laid down by the provisions of Chapter III of Title III of that directive, as amended.