European Employment Law Cases, Issue 2 2020
ECJ 25 June 2020, case C-570/18 P (HF – v – Parliament), Health and Safety
The Court (Second Chamber):
Sets aside the judgment of the General Court of the European Union of 29 June 2018, HF v Parliament (T-218/17, EU:T:2018:393);
Annuls the decision of the Director-General for Personnel of the European Parliament, acting in his capacity as the authority empowered to conclude contracts of employment for that institution, of 3 June 2016, rejecting the request for assistance, within the meaning of Article 24 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union, submitted by HF;
Dismisses the appeal as to the remainder;
Orders the European Parliament to bear its own costs and to pay those incurred by HF in the proceedings at first instance and the appeal proceedings.