European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2017/49 Employer’s obligation to offer work and provide training at the end of fixed-term employment contract (FI)

Keywords Fixed-term work
Authors Kaj Swanljung en Janne Nurminen
Author's information

Kaj Swanljung

Janne Nurminen
Kaj Swanljung and Janne Nurminen are respectively a Senior Counsel and Senior Associate at Roschier in Helsinki,
  • Abstract

      The Supreme Court of Finland has ruled that an employer had legitimate grounds to make 16 consecutive fixed-term employment contracts with an employee who did not hold the degree required by law for permanent employment as a social worker. However, the employer had neglected its obligation to offer work and provide training for the employee and was obliged to pay compensation for unjustified termination of the employment relationship.

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