DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001987029001021

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De machtsbases van België in de internationale politiek

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Wilfried Dewachter and Mieke Verminck, "De machtsbases van België in de internationale politiek", Res Publica, 1, (1987):21-27

    Based on a extensive computation of power capabilities, the position of Belgium in international politics can reliably be assessed. Belgium belongs to a first stratum (N = 21) of followers states. Its best functional fields are international economie relations and those concerning science and technology. A globalisation of all functional fields runs at the expense of its international position. A splitting up of the country would relegate the emerging states, Flanders and Wallonia, to the second more numerous stratum of still less powerfull followers. Whereas a politically unified Europe would mean a participation on a consickrably more powerful level.

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