DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001982024002305

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Crises macro-sociales et stabilité de l'élite

Etude de l'élite belge face aux perturbations sociales durant la période 1919-1981

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Wilfried Dewachter, "Crises macro-sociales et stabilité de l'élite", Res Publica, 2, (1982):305-325

    Between 1919 and 1981, Belgium was confronted with a number of profound societal crises: one world war, two af termaths of world wars, severe economie crises, a new political orientation, and serious internal political conflicts. This article examines the reaction of the elite to these crises, and operationalizes this reaction by the circulationof the elite. The non-political elite remained strikingly stable in spite of the multiplicity and intensity of the crises. The political elite, in this period, circulated much more rapidly. Still, this was primarily in function of governmental instability. Crises shrink the room for maneuver of politicians, but crises are clearly not the only, and even not the most important factors contributing to governmental instability. The changes were, moreover, compensated for to a considerable degree by returns to former positions. Thus, there was a lot of rotation rather than circulation, especially among the top-level politicians.

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