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Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law

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Issue 1, 2015

Access_open Editor’s Note

Authors Réka Varga and Petra Lea Láncos

Réka Varga

Petra Lea Láncos

Péter Kovács
Judge, International Criminal Court; Professor, Péter Pázmány Catholic University.

Elisabeth Kardos Kaponyi
Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest.

Christina Binder
Professor of International Law at the University of Vienna.

Thomas Schobesberger
Research Assistant in International Law at the University of Vienna.

Lucrezia Palandri
Ph.D. in Comparative Law at the University of Florence, Italy.

Gábor Kecskés
Research fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies; senior lecturer, Széchenyi István University (Hungary), PhD. (Széchenyi István University, Hungary).

Anikó Szalai
Senior lecturer of International Law at the University of Szeged, Hungary.

Aniko Raisz
Associate professor, International Law Department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Miskolc.

Eszter Lilla Seres
Student, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Miskolc.

Ágnes Bujdos
PhD candidate at the University of Debrecen Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies.

Snežana Trifunovska
Associate Professor, Radboud University, Law Faculty.

Réka Varga
PhD, senior lecturer, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Public International Law; international law advisor to the Hungarian Red Cross; former legal advisor of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Zsuzsanna Csapó
PhD, senior lecturer, National University of Public Service, Faculty of International and European Studies, Department of International Law.

Károly Végh
LL.M (Groningen), Legal officer, Hungarian Defence Forces and PhD student at University of Debrecen, Faculty of Law.

László Keszely
Hungarian Ministry of Defence, Defence Administration Office.

Eszter Kirs
PhD, Legal officer at the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. Adjunct professor of the Department of International Law at the University of Miskolc. Member of a defence team at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Balázs M. Tóth
PhD, Head of the Law Enforcement and Human Rights Programme at the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. Assistant professor of the Department of Legal Theory and Sociology at University of Miskolc (2008-2013).

Ádám Békés
Ádám Békés, Ph.D., is senior lecturer of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Criminal Law Department since 2006. Collaterally he also holds a practice as a lawyer, his legal office mainly dealing with criminal, international and commercial law cases was grounded in 2004. He is member of the Hungarian Criminal Law Association since 2007. Moreover at the same time in 2004 he graduated as economist from the Corvinus University Budapest. He carries out some researches relating to the European criminal law.

Access_open Crimean Secession in International Law

Authors William R. Slomanson
Author's information

William R. Slomanson
Professor of Law, Thomas Jefferson School of Law (USA); Visiting Professor, Pristina University (Kosovo).

Csaba Varga
Professor Emeritus at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Institute for Legal Philosophy & Research Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Francesco Seatzu
Professor of International and EU Law, University of Cagliari, Italy.

Paolo Vargiu
Lecturer, University of Leicester, United Kingdom.

Ielyzaveta Lvova
PHD in law, Docent, Associate professor at National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine. 2015 Award of Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany.

Veronika Szeghalmi
Media specialist, Institute for Media Studies of the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

Martha Bradley
Academic Associate as the Department of Public Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Annelize Nienaber
Professor at the Department of Public Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Tamás Molnár
Adjunct professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of International Studies.

Ágnes Váradi
PhD, research fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies.

Access_open Banking Union: Why Opting Out Is a Viable Alternative

Authors Péter Fáykiss, Dániel Papp and Anikó Szombati
Author's information

Péter Fáykiss
Péter Fáykiss is the Head of the Macro-prudential policy department at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), the central bank of Hungary. He graduated at Corvinus University of Budapest in 2009. After graduation, he joined MNB, where he worked as analyst at the Financial Stability Department. Between 2013 and 2014 he worked as Deputy Head of Financial Services Department at the Ministry for National Economy, and was responsible inter alia for the implementation of CRD IV in Hungary.

Dániel Papp
Dr. Daniel Papp is member of the Macro-prudential policy department at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank as a legal advisor. He graduated at ELTE law school in 2012. After having supervisory experience at the former Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority, he was enrolled at LUND University for a postgraduate law course, called European Business Law (LL.M.). He made extensive research on the forming European supervisory framework, since his master thesis was about the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Assessment of Hungary’s Possible Approach.

Anikó Szombati
Anikó Szombati leads the Macroprudential Directorate of Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary. This Directorate is responsible for the fulfillment of tasks originating from the Central Bank Act recognizing MNB as the macro-prudential authority of Hungary. The macro-prudential authority’s major task is to identify and mitigate system-wide risks in the financial intermediary system. The Directorate also contributes to the formulation of central bank opinion in major structural issues related to the financial sector developed either at EU or at the country level.

Access_open Victims’ Rights Developments in the EU

Authors Petra Bárd and Andrea Borbíró
Author's information

Petra Bárd
Researcher at and Head of the Criminal Law Division, National Institute of Criminology, Hungary (NIC), Lecturer, Central European University, Budapest and Assistant Professor, ELTE School of Law, Budapest.

Andrea Borbíró
Assistant Professor, ELTE School of Law, Budapest.

Petra Lea Láncos
Senior lecturer, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law.

Károly Grúber
Ambassador, Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Reader, Széchényi István University, Győr. The author took up his duties as the head of the Foreign and Security Policy Office in the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union in Brussels on 1 October 2010. He witnessed and took part in the establishment of the European External Action Service.

Csaba Törő
Associate professor, Faculty of Law, Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church of Hungary, Budapest.

Access_open The Practical Application of Restraining Orders

Authors Erzsébet Tamási and Orsolya Bolyky
Author's information

Erzsébet Tamási
Senior researcher at Crime Research & Analysis Division of National Institute of Criminology and professor at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Law and Political Sciences.

Orsolya Bolyky
Researcher at Division of Criminal Law Sciences of National Institute of Criminology and PhD student at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Law and Political Sciences.

Péter Staviczky
Colleague of the Hungarian Permanent Representation to the European Union.

Tamás Molnár
Adjunct professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of International Studies.

Access_open Whose Burden Is It Actually?

The Implementation and Application of the EU Rules on the ‘Burden of Proof’ in Employment Discrimination Cases in Hungarian Law

Authors Márton Leó Zaccaria
Author's information

Márton Leó Zaccaria
Adjunct professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of International Studies.

Gábor Kardos
Professor, ELTE Faculty of Law, International Law Department.

Nikolett Papp
PhD student, University of Debrecen, Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies.

Adrienn Becánics
Assistant Lecturer, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Law.

Zsófia Eszter Kémeri
PhD student, University of Debrecen, Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies.

Zsuzsanna Miszti-Blasiusné Szabó
Junior lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Debrecen.

Sándor Szemesi
Associate Professor of Law, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Law.