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European Journal of Policing Studies


Do police strategies help promote creative policing?

Keywords police, coordination mechanisms, strategy, Estonia
Authors Priit Suve
Author's information

Priit Suve
Priit Suve holds a PhD in State and Governance (Tallin University). He is affiliated to the Estonian Police and Border Guard and worksas a researcher in the School of Governance, Law and Society at the Tallin University. He has specialized in policing. He was awarded a BA in policing in 2002, and an MA in state and governance in 2009 from Tallinn University. Since 1991 he has been a police officer (corresp:
  • Abstract

      Police are expected to be creative, but also systematic. This paper asks the question whether police strategies help promote creative policing. Estonia is the case study in this analysis; a country which has a police force that never systematically employed any model of policing, and where the sphere of police is under-researched. Using a content analysis of legal documents, the models and strategies of policing were analyzed, and five general coordination mechanisms of the police (military, bureaucracy, professionalism, community orientation, and public-private orientation) hovering above strategies were recognized. These mechanisms were analyzed in light of the developments of strategic thinking with the aim to identify opportunities for a creative and innovative way of policing. The findings illustrate that the mechanisms have various potentials in supporting to find “blue oceans.” The article makes suggestions for further research on promoting creative policing.

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