European Journal of Policing Studies


‘Moral’ versus ‘Risk-based’ Policing of Cybercrime

Insights from Police Response to Internet Fraud in Saudi Arabia’s Capital City, Riyadh

Keywords Fraud, internet, cybercrime, policing, risk, morality
Authors Abdullah Faze Algarni
Author's information

Abdullah Faze Algarni
Abdullah Algarni is assistant Professor of Criminology at King Fahad Security College’s Centre for Studies and Research. He obtained a bachelor degree in security sciences and another bachelor degree in the Fundamentals of Islam Religion. He received both his MA and PhD in criminology from the University of Hull in the UK (corresp.:
  • Abstract

      This paper contributes to current debates on the policing of Internet fraud by introducing the Saudi Arabian experience. Drawing on field research in the capital city, Riyadh, it explores how this new aspect of policing activity fits in with not only the existing organisational practices, but also the occupational and individual concerns of frontline officers. Moreover, the article considers the implications of the Saudi culture, social norms, and values for police responses to Internet fraud. It is argued that the policing of Internet fraud in Saudi Arabia, and the extent to which it fits with contemporary debates on risk-based policing of cybercrime, can only be understood by examining how new policing modes and cultural traditions merge and integrate to shape police response to this novel criminal phenomenon

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