European Journal of Policing Studies


Physical fitness and anthropometric characteristics of graduating Norwegian Police University College students

Keywords Physical test performance, physical health, police officers, work ability
Authors Thomas Dillern, Ole Ragnar Norheim Jenssen en Jørgen Ingebrigtsen
Author's information

Thomas Dillern
Thomas Dillern has a master degree in Sport Science from Bodø Regional University College in Norway (currently University of Nordland) where he examined soccer physiology. After working seven years at the endurance laboratory at the University of Nordland he now works at the Norwegian Police University College, among other with teaching physical training (corresp:

Ole Ragnar Norheim Jenssen
Ole Ragnar Norheim Jenssen has an MSc degree in Sport Science from the University of Nordland, Norway, where he examined on survey methods to measure physical activity. He now works at the Norwegian Police University College teaching physical training.

Jørgen Ingebrigtsen
Jørgen Ingebrigtsen earned his MSc degree in Human Movement Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where he worked on specific adaptations from strength training. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Nordland, Bodø, Norway, working on training and testing in soccer.
  • Abstract

      The aim of the study was to assess physical fitness and anthropometric characteristics of Norwegian male and female graduating police university college students. Several fitness tests (i.e. upper body strength, explosive leg power and endurance capacity) were conducted and anthropometric data (i.e. body mass and stature) were collected. Compared with relevant reference groups, the present students perform well on physical fitness tests. Moreover, this study provides a better understanding of some of the properties forthcoming police officers obtain, and the present findings could be valuable if one aims to further investigate the development of physical fitness throughout police careers.

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