European Journal of Policing Studies


Policing European Metropolises

Authors Paul Ponsaers, Adam Edwards, Antoinette Verhage en Amadeu Recasens i Brunet
Author's information

Paul Ponsaers
Professor dr. Paul Ponsaers is senior professor emeritus at Ghent University, Faculty of Law, department Penal Law and Criminology, Belgium. Ponsaers is president of the Flemish Centre for Policing Studies and managing editor of the quarterly ‘Cahiers Politiestudies’. He specialises in the field of policing, on which he published several articles. He is editor of this special issue (corresp:

Adam Edwards
Professor Adam Edwards is Director of the Cardiff Centre for Crime, Law and Justice and a founding member of the Collaborative On-line Social Media ObServatory (COSMOS). He is currently Regional Editor of the European Journal of Policing Studies. His principal research interest is in liberal democratic modes of governance and their security implications (

Antoinette Verhage
Dr. Antoinette Verhage is editor-in-chief of EJPS. She is director of the Institute for Urban Security & Policing Studies [SVA] and postdoc researcher at Ghent University, Belgium.

Amadeu Recasens i Brunet
Professor dr. Amadeu Recasens i Brunet is a Catalan expert in security policy. He is associated Professor at the l’Escola de Criminologia de la Universitat d’Oporto (Portugal). Recasens is member of the scientific committee of GERN (Group Européen de Recherches sur les Normativités) and author of several publications on security policy.

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